

What is a Dashboard in project management? A dashboard in project management is a visual tool that provides a high-level overview of a project’s status, progress, and key metrics. Dashboards consolidate complex information into easy-to-read charts, graphs, and...


What is a project Charter? A project charter is a document that outlines the key details, objectives, and scope of a project. You can think of the charter as the “North Star” for a project, since it provides clarity on why the project exists, what it hopes to...


What is Feasibility in project management? Feasibility refers to the process of assessing whether a project or initiative is practical and achievable within the constraints of time, resources, and organizational priorities. The process helps to answer questions like:...


What are Milestones in project management? In project management, milestones are key points within a project timeline that signify significant progress or achievements. They act as markers that help individuals or teams monitor the project’s progress and ensure it’s...
Prioritization Framework

Prioritization Framework

What is a Prioritization Framework? A prioritization framework is a structured method for deciding which tasks, projects, or goals should take precedence based on specific criteria. It helps you make informed decisions about where to focus your efforts and resources,...